WASATURDAY 15 February 2025, 3:13AM AWST
Tropical Cyclone Bulletin
Tropical Cyclone Technical Bulletin: AUSTRALIA - Western Australia Issued by Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE at: 1913 UTC 14/02/2025 Name: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Zelia Identifier: 18U Data At: 1800 UTC Latitude: 21.4S Longitude: 119.6E Location Accuracy: within 60nm (110 km) Movement Towards: south (174 deg) Speed of Movement: 5 knots (8 km/h) Maximum 10-Minute Wind: 30 knots (55 km/h) Maximum 3-Second Wind Gust: 45 knots (85 km/h) Central Pressure: 996 hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: Radius of 64-knot winds: Radius of Maximum Winds: Dvorak Intensity Code: N/A Pressure of outermost isobar: 1002 hPa Radius of outermost closed isobar: 70 nm (130 km) FORECAST DATA Date/Time : Location : Loc. Accuracy: Max Wind : Central Pressure (UTC) : degrees : nm (km): knots(km/h): hPa +06: 15/0000: 22.2S 119.6E: 070 (130): 030 (055): 996 +12: 15/0600: 23.1S 119.5E: 065 (120): 030 (055): 996 +18: 15/1200: 24.1S 119.3E: 070 (125): 030 (055): 996 +24: 15/1800: 25.0S 119.0E: 070 (130): 030 (055): 995 +36: 16/0600: None None: None (None): None (None): None +48: 16/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None +60: 17/0600: None None: None (None): None (None): None +72: 17/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None +96: 18/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None +120: 19/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None REMARKS: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Zelia is dissipating over the inland Pilbara. Deep convection has become completely absent from the remnants of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Zelia. Confidence in the analysis position is poor. Due to the lack of convection, the circulation is not evident on Port Hedland radar despite being within range. The low-level circulation is also difficult to locate on IR satellite imagery. Intensity set at 30kn based on surface observations at Marble Bar and Ironbridge Airport. As Zelia is over land, Dvorak analysis and objective aids are no longer valid. Copyright Commonwealth of Australia == There will be no further bulletins for this system.
AUS Warnings