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Tropical Cyclone warning

WATHURSDAY 27 February 2025, 2:50AM AWST

Tropical Cyclone Bulletin

Tropical Cyclone Technical Bulletin: AUSTRALIA - Western Australia Issued by Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE at: 1850 UTC 26/02/2025 Name: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Bianca Identifier: 21U Data At: 1800 UTC Latitude: 26.6S Longitude: 104.2E Location Accuracy: within 20nm (35 km) Movement Towards: east southeast (119 deg) Speed of Movement: 4 knots (8 km/h) Maximum 10-Minute Wind: 35 knots (65 km/h) Maximum 3-Second Wind Gust: 50 knots (95 km/h) Central Pressure: 1002 hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: 60 nm (None km) Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: Radius of 64-knot winds: Radius of Maximum Winds: Dvorak Intensity Code: T2.0/2.5/W2.0/24HRS STT:W0.5/06HRS Pressure of outermost isobar: 1014 hPa Radius of outermost closed isobar: 90 nm (165 km) FORECAST DATA Date/Time : Location : Loc. Accuracy: Max Wind : Central Pressure (UTC) : degrees : nm (km): knots(km/h): hPa +06: 27/0000: 26.3S 103.8E: 030 (060): 030 (055): 1004 +12: 27/0600: 26.1S 103.1E: 040 (075): 025 (045): 1007 +18: 27/1200: 26.0S 102.5E: 050 (090): 025 (045): 1007 +24: 27/1800: 25.8S 101.9E: 060 (110): 025 (045): 1007 +36: 28/0600: None None: None (None): None (None): None +48: 28/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None +60: 01/0600: None None: None (None): None (None): None +72: 01/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None +96: 02/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None +120: 03/1800: None None: None (None): None (None): None REMARKS: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Bianca (21U) continues to weaken over the ocean. Ex-TC Bianca has been located using animated EIR satellite imagery moderate confidence. Dvorak analysis: DT no longer applicable as all deep convection is now well removed from the centre. The recent trend is W+ which gives a MET of 2.0, with PAT at 1.5. FT=2.0. CI set at 1.5 during weakening. Objective intensity estimates (all 1-minute means and at 1730 UTC unless otherwise stated) include ADT 31 knots, AiDT 37 knots, DPRINT 25 knots, DMINT 22 knots (1140UTC), SATCON 39 knots. Intensity set at 35 knots. Ex-TC Bianca is weakening quickly under the influence of strong vertical wind shear, and the low level centre is now well separated from the deep convection. Gales have become confined to the southwest quadrant, and as a result the system is no longer classified as a tropical cyclone by the Australian definition. Winds will ease below gale force by 0000 UTC February 27. As ex-TC Bianca has weakened, it has lost the steering influence of the approaching mid-level trough. It will move towards the west northwest under the influence of a lower level ridge, before dissipating later today (Thursday). Copyright Commonwealth of Australia == There will be no further bulletins for this system.

AUS Warnings
