WAMONDAY 24 March 2025, 1:19PM AWST
Heatwave Warning
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Western Australia TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Cancellation Of Heatwave Warning For Western Australia Issued at 01:19 PM WST on Monday 24 March 2025 Valid for Monday 24 March 2025 to Thursday 27 March 2025 Cancellation for the following areas: Gascoyne, Lower West, South West and Great Southern Safety Advice:: Hot weather can still occur even when a heatwave has ended. It may take some days to recover from a heatwave. You should continue to take care of yourself and others, including animals. Maximum temperatures in the mid to high thirties over southwestern parts of WA increasing to the mid forties over the Gascoyne. Overnight minimum temperatures ranging from the mid teens to the low twenties over southwestern parts, increasing to the mid to high twenties over the Gascoyne. Whilst severe heatwave conditions have eased, low intensity heatwave conditions remain over the Gascoyne and southwest WA and are expected to persist until the weekend. No further warnings will be issued for this event, but the situation will continue to be monitored and further warnings issued if necessary.
AUS Warnings