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Flood warning

TASMONDAY 02 December 2024, 11:57AM AEDT

Flood Warning - Derwent River

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Tasmania Final Flood Warning For The Ouse And Clyde Rivers Issued at 11:57 AM EDT on Monday 02 December 2024 Flood Warning Number: 3 MINOR FLOODING RISK HAS EASED AT ASHTON, 3B WEIR, BOTHWELL AND HAMILTON No significant rainfall has been observed in the 24 hours to 9:00am Monday, across the Ouse and Clyde River catchments. River levels along the Ouse and Clyde Rivers are now easing. River Ouse: No further flooding is expected in the River Ouse. The River Ouse at Ashton is currently at 1.07 metres and steady, below the minor flood level. The River Ouse at Ashton is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.40 m). The River Ouse at 3B Weir is currently at 0.91 metres and steady, below the minor flood level. The River Ouse at 3B Weir is expected to remain below the minor flood level (3.00 m). River Clyde: No further flooding is expected in the River Clyde. The River Clyde at Bothwell is currently at 0.34 metres and steady, below the minor flood level. The River Clyde at Bothwell is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.00 m). There are no current observations along the River Clyde at Hamilton, however, it is expected that the river level is currently below the minor flood level and steady. The River Clyde at Hamilton is expected to remain below the minor flood level (2.40 m). Flood Safety Advice: SES flood warnings can be found at TasALERT Flood and storm safety advice is available at Road closure information is available at} For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500. For life threatening situations, call 000 immediately. Next issue: This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event. Latest River Heights: River Derwent below Lake St Clair,0.76,Steady,10:45 AM MON 02/12/24 River Ouse at Ashton,1.07,Steady,11:30 AM MON 02/12/24 River Ouse at 3B Weir,0.91,Steady,11:45 AM MON 02/12/24 River Clyde at Bothwell,0.34,Steady,11:00 AM MON 02/12/24 River Derwent below Meadowbank Dam,0.80,Steady,11:45 AM MON 02/12/24 River Derwent at Macquarie Plains,0.94,Steady,11:30 AM MON 02/12/24 Tyenna River at Newbury,0.52,Steady,11:00 AM MON 02/12/24 Styx River at Bruces Bridge,0.96,Steady,11:33 AM MON 02/12/24 River Derwent at 2.5km Upstream New Norfolk Bridge,2.59,Steady,11:00 AM MON 02/12/24 River Derwent at New Norfolk,0.91,Falling,11:54 AM MON 02/12/24 This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at

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