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Flood warning

QLDSUNDAY 09 March 2025, 3:24PM AEST

Flood Warning - Thomson/Barcoo/Cooper Ck

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Final Flood Warning For The Cooper Creek Issued at 03:24 PM EST on Sunday 09 March 2025 Flood Warning Number: 28 FLOODING HAS EASED AT WINDORAH No significant rainfall totals have been recorded across the Cooper Creek for the last few days. No significant rainfall is forecast over the next few days. Cooper Creek: No further flooding is expected in the Cooper Creek. There are no current observations for the Cooper Creek at Windorah (Main Channel), however, based on nearby gauges, the river level is expected to be below the minor flood level and steady. The Cooper Ck at Windorah (Main Channel) is expected to remain below the minor flood level (3.00 m) for next few days. Thomson River at Jundah: Cancellation Flood Safety Advice: Remember: If it's flooded, FORGET it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.} Current emergency information is available at Next issue: This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event. Latest River Heights: Cornish Ck at Bowen Downs TM,1.08,Steady,02:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Thomson R at Longreach Auto TM,1.37,Steady,02:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Thomson R at Bogewong TM,1.69,Steady,03:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Barcoo R at Gillespie Alert,0.20,Falling,11:42 AM SUN 09/03/25 Alice R at Barcaldine Weir Auto TM,3.81,Steady,02:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Barcoo R at Retreat TM,0.82,Steady,02:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Cooper Ck at Windorah (Long Crossing) TM,2.62,Steady,03:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Cooper Ck at Windorah (Main Channel) TM,Not Available,Not Available,Not Available Cooper Ck at Lignum Channel TM,0.02,Steady,03:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 Cooper Ck at Nappa Merrie TM,1.26,Steady,02:00 PM SUN 09/03/25 This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at

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