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Flood warning

QLDSATURDAY 15 March 2025, 8:11AM AEST

Flood Warning - Fitzroy River

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Final Flood Warning For The Dawson River Issued at 08:11 AM EST on Saturday 15 March 2025 Flood Warning Number: 2 MINOR FLOODING NO LONGER OCCURRING AT BARALABA Moderate rainfall observed earlier this week has caused river level rises along the Dawson River and a minor flood peak was observed at Baralaba Friday afternoon. Further flooding is not expected at downstream forecast locations as floodwaters move downstream, however river levels may remain elevated over the next few days. Dawson River downstream of Theodore: No further flooding is expected in the Dawson River downstream of Theodore. No current observations are available for the Dawson River at Baralaba. Based on the nearby automatic gauge, the river level is estimated by below the minor flood level (4.00 m) and falling. The Dawson River at Baralaba is expected to remain below the minor flood level (4.00 m). Flood Safety Advice: Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.} Current emergency information is available at Next issue: This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event. Latest River Heights: Nogoa R at Raymond Alert,0.95,Steady,05:47 AM SAT 15/03/25 Nogoa R at Craigmore Alert,0.65,Steady,04:58 AM SAT 15/03/25 Nogoa R at Craigmore TM,0.64,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Nogoa R at Fairbairn Dam HW TM,-9.59,Falling,05:53 AM SAT 15/03/25 Nogoa R at Emerald Alert,3.26,Steady,05:32 AM SAT 15/03/25 Theresa Ck at Gregory Highway Alert,1.66,Falling,06:35 AM SAT 15/03/25 Theresa Ck at Gregory Highway TM,1.63,Falling,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Arcadia Ck at Arcadia Valley School,0.90,Steady,01:29 AM SAT 15/03/25 Comet R at The Lake Alert,0.89,Steady,06:06 AM SAT 15/03/25 Comet R at The Lake TM,0.90,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Comet R at Comet Weir Alert,1.35,Falling,04:58 AM SAT 15/03/25 Comet R at Comet Weir TM,1.36,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mackenzie R at Bedford Weir TW Alert,2.68,Steady,06:42 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mackenzie R at Bedford Weir TW TM,2.67,Steady,05:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mackenzie R at Bingegang Weir HW TM,7.79,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mackenzie R at Bingegang Weir TW TM,1.96,Falling,05:38 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mackenzie R at Bingegang Weir HW Alert,7.75,Steady,05:44 AM SAT 15/03/25 Connors R at Pink Lagoon TM,1.75,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Isaac R at Fitzroy Develop. Rd Br TM,0.00,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Isaac R at Yatton TM,2.52,Rising,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mackenzie R at Tartrus TM,6.08,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Utopia Downs TM,2.38,Falling,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Tarana Crossing Alert,2.34,Rising,05:47 AM SAT 15/03/25 Juandah Ck at Windamere TM,0.35,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Taroom TM,1.07,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Gyranda Weir TM,0.07,Steady,05:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Theodore Weir TM,6.11,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Moura Weir TM,0.11,Steady,05:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Mimosa Ck at Karamea Alert,2.86,Falling,06:42 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Baralaba TW TM,3.52,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Kroombit Ck at Kroombit Dam HW TM,-13.00,Steady,05:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Kroombit Creek at Biloela,0.00,Steady,05:04 AM SAT 15/03/25 Callide Ck at Callide Dam HW TM,-15.89,Steady,05:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Callide Creek at Jambin,0.00,Steady,06:29 AM SAT 15/03/25 Callide Ck at Goovigen TM,0.57,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Don R at Rannes TM,1.57,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Dawson R at Knebworth TM,4.34,Rising,05:43 AM SAT 15/03/25 Fitzroy R at Riverslea TM,13.05,Steady,06:00 AM SAT 15/03/25 Port Alma Tide TM,3.06,Rising,06:39 AM SAT 15/03/25 This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at

AUS Warnings
