QLDFRIDAY 21 March 2025, 11:47AM AEST
Flood Warning - Ross River
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Minor Flood Warning For The Ross And Bohle Rivers Issued at 11:47 AM EST on Friday 21 March 2025 Flood Warning Number: 11 NEAR MINOR FLOODING ALONG THE ROSS RIVER AT APLIN WEIR MAY BEGIN EASING FROM FRIDAY EVENING MINOR FLOODING ALONG THE BOHLE RIVER AT MT BOHLE LIKELY TO EASE BELOW MINOR FRIDAY AFTERNOON Heavy rainfall during Thursday evening in the Ross and Bohle catchments caused renewed river level rises and minor flooding overnight into Friday. The Ross River at Aplin Weir is likely to remain around the minor flood level for much of Friday, before likely easing later in the day. Minor flooding is estimated to be occurring along the Bohle River at Mt Bohle late Friday morning but is likely to fall below the minor flood level during Friday afternoon. Further showers are forecast over the next few days but widespread significant rainfall is not expected. The situation is being monitored closely and this warning will be updated as required. A Flood Watch is current for parts of the Central Coast. Ross River: Near-minor flooding is occurring along the Ross River at Aplin Weir. The Ross River at Aplin Weir peaked at 1.16 metres Thursday evening, with minor flooding. The river level is currently at 1.01 metres and steady, just below the minor flood level (1.10 m). The Ross River at Aplin Weir is likely to remain around the minor flood level (1.10 m) for much of Friday. The river level is likely to begin easing slowly from Friday evening as flows from upstream start to recede. Bohle River: Minor flooding is estimated to be occurring along the Bohle River at Mt Bohle. No recent observations are available at Mt Bohle, however the river level is estimated to be above the minor flood level (4.00 m) and easing. The Bohle River at Mt Bohle is likely to fall below the minor flood level (4.00 m) Friday afternoon. Flood Safety Advice: Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.} Current emergency information is available at www.qld.gov.au/alerts. Next issue: The next warning will be issued by 12:00 pm EST on Saturday 22 March 2025. Latest River Heights: Bohle R at Dalrymple Rd Alert,7.79,Falling,11:44 AM FRI 21/03/25 Black R upstream Bruce Hwy Alert,1.66,Falling,09:34 AM FRI 21/03/25 Black R upstream Bruce Hwy TM,1.64,Steady,11:00 AM FRI 21/03/25 Bluewater Ck at Bluewater Alert,1.85,Falling,11:19 AM FRI 21/03/25 Bluewater Ck at Bluewater TM,1.88,Rising,11:25 AM FRI 21/03/25 Ross R at Ross River Dam Alert,39.61,Steady,11:16 AM FRI 21/03/25 Ross R at Black Weir (Riverway) Alert,0.85,Steady,10:23 AM FRI 21/03/25 Ross R at Aplin Weir Alert,1.01,Steady,06:08 AM FRI 21/03/25 Ross R at Rooneys Bridge Alert,1.15,Falling,11:08 AM FRI 21/03/25 Townsville Harbour Tide TM,1.99,Steady,11:03 AM FRI 21/03/25 Cape Ferguson Tide TM,1.83,Steady,11:01 AM FRI 21/03/25 This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at www.bom.gov.au/qld/flood. The latest weather forecast is available at www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts.
AUS Warnings