NTSATURDAY 15 February 2025, 11:33PM ACST
Severe Weather Warning for NT

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Northern Territory TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Cancellation Of Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Daly, Arnhem and Carpentaria districts. Issued at 11:32 pm Saturday, 15 February 2025. Warnings for Saturday 15 February cancellation of severe thunderstorm warning for the following areas: Daly, Arnhem and Carpentaria Severe thunderstorms are no longer occurring in Northern Territory. The immediate threat of severe thunderstorms has passed, but the situation will continue to be monitored and further warnings will be issued if necessary. 47mm in 30 minutes to 21:14CST was recorded at Seventeen Mile Creek. The Northern Territory Emergency Service advises that people should: * avoid driving into water of unknown depth and current * stay away from fallen power lines. They are dangerous and should always be treated as live * stay away from flooded drains, rivers, streams and waterways * for emergency help in floods, storms and cyclones, contact the NTES on 132 500. For more safety tips visit www.securent.nt.gov.au No further warnings will be issued for this event. Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at www.bom.gov.au or call 1300 659 210. The Bureau and Northern Territory Emergency Service would appreciate warnings being broadcast regularly.
AUS Warnings