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Wet and Windy Tasmania

Felix Levesque

Heavy rain and gusty winds are battering the Apple Isle this weekend.

This weather has been brought by a succession of two cold fronts, the second of which is crossing the state today. Gusty winds from the northwest have been blowing across the state, with most locations seeing wind gusts exceeding 65 km/h this morning. The strongest gusts measured this morning include: 

135 km/h at Maatsuyker Island 

109 km/h at Mount Read 

106 km/h at Scotts Peak 

100 km/h at Kunanyi/Mount Wellington 

Significant rainfall totals in the 24 hours to 9 am where also recorded, including: 

41mm at Mount Read (which also received 22mm in the 24 hours to 9 am on Saturday) 

20mm at Warra and Butlers Gorge 

19mm at Luncheon (in addition to the 20mm in the 24 hours to 9 am Saturday) 

Image: Satellite and radar overlap with rainfall observations since 9am showing rainfall affecting western parts of Tasmania on Sunday morning 

While the heaviest falls will ease off into the afternoon, western and southern Tasmania will see little relief over the coming week; a series of weaker fronts brushing across the Southern Ocean will maintain a persistent westerly airstream, driving showers into these parts. 

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