Welcome winter rain in Victoria
Ben Domensino

Parts of Victoria have seen more rainfall during the last 24 hours than the entire month of June.
A low pressure system near Tasmania has helped produce showers across Australia's southeast, which have been falling as welcome snow in the alps.
The heaviest fall during the 24 hours to 9am today was 54mm at Lake William in Victoria's North East district. Nearby, Mt Buller picked up a mix of rain and snow amounting to 45mm, which is more than it received during all of June.
Other notable 24 hour totals included Bendigo (16mm), Hunters Hill (34mm) and Strathbogie (26mm), which were between two and six times the previous month's rainfall totals.
These falls are sure to be a welcome change from the start of winter, following the state's driest June on record.
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