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Satellites capture widespread snow in southeastern Australia

Ben Domensino

Images from space show that there's still plenty of snow on the ground in parts of Tasmania, Victoria, the ACT, and NSW today.

A polar air mass passing over southeastern Australia brought widespread low-level snow on the weekend. This cold air mass has lingered into the start of this week, allowing the snow to stick around in many areas.

Image: Snow (artificially coloured red) in central NSW on Monday morning. Source: NASA Worldview / Terra.

NASA's Terra satellite captured clear images of the snow-covered mountains and tablelands between Tasmania and central NSW this morning. The best cover is over the alpine regions, where the latest snow has built on the base from earlier in the season.

Image: Snow (artificially coloured red) in southern NSW, the ACT and northeast Victoria on Monday morning. Source: NASA Worldview / Terra.

Last week's snow has pushed the natural snow depth in Australia's alps to their highest point so far this year. But the cover is not only thick, it's also widespread in the mountains. Satellite images show that snow is still extending from central eastern Victoria up to the Brindabellas on Monday. There's also a big area still covering the Central Tablelands in NSW.

Image: Snow (artificially coloured red) peaking out from underneath clouds in cetran Tasmania on Monday morning. Source: NASA Worldview / Terra.

While it's impressive to see snow in so many lowland areas today, it's not unusual to see lots of snow in the alps at this time of year. The long-term average peak snow depth in the Snowy Mountains typically occurs in late August or early September.

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