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Reader poll: is weather more or less important to you during Covid lockdown?

Anthony Sharwood profile image
Anthony Sharwood

If there's one thing we all love more than the weather, it’s talking about the weather – but how has our relationship with weather changed during extended Covid lockdown?

If you hang out here at Weatherzone, we're guessing that you love weather because hey, weather is fascinating and awesome. It's like a little piece of nature that comes directly to your doorstep every day.

But a large part of our obsession with weather is for the very practical reason that it directly affects our lives.

  • Weather affects our commute to work, whether it's by car, bike, public transport or on foot.
  • Weather impacts our plans outside of work – from evenings out, to weekend activities, to holidays, to outdoors sports like boating, surfing or skiing/snowboarding that rely on favourable weather conditions.
  • If we work outdoors, weather can affect our ability to work, or our comfort level at work.
  • And of course, weather can affect our mood. Just ask any school teacher who's had to deal with unruly students on a wild, windy day.

So now that half the country is stuck at home, we've been wondering whether (excuse the pun!) things have changed. We've included some of your responses at the bottom of this story.

Image: Eeek! Giant Covids! Source: @Tumisu via Pixabay.

If you're one of the people in NSW, Victoria or the ACT who is currently locked down, do you find yourself paying more or less attention to the weather?

Does a mild late winter day thrill you if you can only exercise within 5 km of home, or do you barely notice? Perhaps pleasant weather has the opposite effect it normally would, making you feel frustrated rather than optimistic and energised.

Does a cold wet afternoon make you feel extra cooped-up, or were you feeling that way already and the weather barely changes a thing?

Earlier today, we asked for your thoughts. Here are some of them from our Facebook page:

Our Twitter poll told us that many of you are more interested in the weathern than usual, and those comments came through on Facebook too:

Adam: "I find myself looking up more at the moment and as I work in an essential service the weather is still very important for me."

Gwenda: "More! I have solar power and keep looking at the sky as to when to do the washing. We make more power when the sun is shining."

Sarah: "Definitely more important! With the kids home I need to know they can get out for a ride or run."

Kate: "More! I need sunny days to go on my walks!"

But a few of you are are less interested:

Helen: "No chance at all. Try not to let lockdown rule my life."

Robert: "I'm definitely not checking the weather in Thredbo as often since the lifts closed."

Some of you just had a laugh. We love it when readers have a sense of humour:

Betty: "The weather is feeling the effects of Covid - it doesn't know if it wants to be cold or warm and some days it just stays under a bed of cloud!"

By the way, we've noticed here at Weatherzone that more of you are visiting Weatherzone on computers than mobile phones lately, which obviously reflects the fact that we ourselves are not mobile. We saw the same trend in March 2020 during the first Covid lockdowns.

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