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July records tumble for parts of Tasmania

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Guy Dixon
Multiple locations throughout Tasmania have endured the wettest July on record following a month of frequent and pronounced frontal activity. Cressy was among one of the wettest locations compared to the mean, collecting 246% of the July average of 60.5mm, with 149mm accumulating. While this doesn't quite match the effort of Warra which received a 250% of their average (385mm), it still goes down as the wettest July since record began in 1999. Maydena managed to break their 24 year record by the largest margin, exceeding the previous high by 25% or 49mm. In fact, seven other weather stations exceeded their previous july record including (in order of margin) Bridport, Smithton, Sheffield, Ouse, Mt Read, Launceston, Scotts Peak Dam and Luncheon Hill. Looking ahead, the late winter and spring months have an increased chance of seeing above average rainfall due to a number of climate drivers. While the outlook for La Nina has weakened slightly, there is still a 50% chance of a La Nina forming in 2016. Furthermore, we are observing strong values of the Indian Ocean Dipole which typically leads to above average rainfall over southern Australia during this time of the year.
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