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Jindabyne legends survive earthquake, bravely save precious beer stubby

Anthony Sharwood

Things got a little sketchy under the table there for a while, but four lads in the NSW Snowy Mountains town of Jindabyne made it through unscathed after an earthquake registering 3.2 on the Richter Scale struck on Wednesday morning.

The happy news? The stubby of Veebers made it through too.

Image: Pretty irresponsible not protecting the beer too, fellas. What were you thinking? Source: Aaron Bingley.

The quake struck around mid-morning on Wednesday. Some locals felt a bang while others heard a rumble. Some experienced both. There were no reports of injuries or damage to property.

"Yeah, we did feel a rumble that almost sounded like an explosion!" Jindabyne local Aaron "Bingas" Bingley told Weatherzone.

Bingas snapped the above pic of his housemates "Johnnie Utar, Vitnell and Brodie" sheltering from the unexpected subterranean rumbling.

"One of the boys got scared so he necked a beer!" Bingas said. "Also a couple of random dogs showed up to our house. Maybe they got spooked by the quake, but we took care of them till they wandered back home."

Anyone who knows Jindabyne will know that Bingas just captured the essense of the town in the above paragraph. Weird stuff happens in Jindabyne pretty much all the time. But the locals have hearts of gold and things usually turn out just fine.

Meanwhile Snowy Mountains folk have tried to find an upside to the quake.

It's widely recognised that our mountains could use an elevation boost of a good few hundred metres to ward off the intermittent winter rain storms and ensure a deeper winter snow cover.

"Hopefully the quake resulted in an uplift," one local quipped on a local online forum.

We're not sure that the 3.2 magnitude earthquake that caused precisely zero structural damage has lifted the mountains too much.

Did you know?

  • The deadliest earthquake ever recorded in Australia was the 1989 Newcastle earthquake. Thirteen lives were lost and 160 people were hospitalised by the quake which measured 5.6 on the Richter Scale.
  • According to Geoscience Australia, the largest recorded quake in Australia was in 1988 at Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. It registered 6.6, and while there were no reports of injury, a major gas pipeline was badly damaged.
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