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Home>Weather News>It's raining, it's pouring, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Tiffany has yet to start snoring

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It's raining, it's pouring, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Tiffany has yet to start snoring

Angus Mclean-Smith


After losing its title of Tropical Cyclone, Ex-Tropical Cyclone Tiffany is still providing plenty of rain to the Kimberley region and central Australia.  


24-hour rainfall totals to 9am Saturday saw many observation sites still in the 50-100mm ranges, and a couple of 100+mm in varying places. Some big falls from 9am Saturday to 4:30am Sunday included Koolan Island – 119mm, Oombagooma – 77mm, Leopold Downs – 74mm and Lombadina Airstrip with 70mm.  


Thick cloud extends from the NT to the coast of SA. So not only is Ex-TC Tiffany still dishing out the rain, but plenty of inland locations are getting a well needed break from the heat as well. Many towns lucky enough to be close to Ex-TC Tiffany, should see comfortable temperatures in the low-30s, and even in the 20s for some places.     


Satellite Image (Himawari-8) of Australia on Sunday 16th 12:00 EDT 


Ex-TC Tiffany should still be holding plenty of rain as it makes its journey south, cutting through the NT and finally reaching SA. While it's a bit hard to tell how much rain Ex-TC Tiffany is going to give us,  100+mm are still a possibility along her path. Hopefully that's enough to settle the dust anyway! 

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