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How much rain can your city expect this week?

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Anthony Sharwood

OK, we've told you it's going to be a wet week with substantial rain falling over part of every Australian state and territory, with flooding and severe thunderstorms likely in several states – now the question is how much.

We'll run briefly through the likely rainfall amounts in the capital cities from Wednesday through till the end of the weekend. But first, a little explainer about rainfall totals.

See the range below for the next three days in Sydney?

The Bureau of Meteorology also uses a range like that. But people often misconstrue its meaning. They take the high figure and go, "OK, that's how much it's going to rain". But that's not how it works. In fact:

  • The high figure has just a 25% likelihood of occurring.
  • And the low figure has a 50% likelihood of occurring.

So with that in mind... here's the expected capital city rainfall range from Wednesday Nov 10 through to Sunday Nov 14 

  • Sydney should see something in the range of 20 mm to 45 mm in total, with the heaviest falls likely on Wednesday.
  • Melbourne is looking at potentially 35 mm to 80 mm, with rain heaviest on Friday.
  • Brisbane is looking at a range between 55 mm and 100 mm, with rain heaviest on Thursday and the weekend looking pretty clear.
  • Perth should now be clear for the rest of the week, after a heavy early morning storm on Tuesday left behind 40.4 mm, the city’s record November daily rainfall.
  • Adelaide needs rain more than most cities, but should only see between about 10 mm and 25 mm.
  • Hobart should see in the range of 15 mm to 40 mm, with Wednesday looking like the wettest day. Try saying the back end of that sentence quickly five times with a mouthful of chips!
  • Darwin will be a little lacklustre by wet season standards with 10 to 35 mm possible, though it is only early in the season. Saturday looks like the day with the potential for the heaviest downpour.
  • Canberra is already close to its monthly average rainfall for November, and looks like it could add as much as 50 mm to 105 mm.

Speaking of Canberra, the national capital is of course the only inland city of the eight capitals, and this is looking very much like an event which will benefit districts well beyond the coastal regions.

We'll keep you posted with news from across Australia as rain starts falling in earnest from Wednesday onwards. And if you live in the regions and want to share your social media pics with us for publication, just use the tag #weatherzone. Stay dry, Australia!

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