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Double the average June rainfall in a day

Anthony Sharwood

Heavy rain has again fallen in both western New South Wales and Western Australia.

You might feel like you're on the rinse-and-repeat cycle here at Weatherzone after yesterday we wrote about Perth's wettest day in five years and a 50 mm fall in far western NSW. But we can report very similar weather in parts of both regions to 9 am Tuesday.

Let's start with the town of Ivanhoe, population 200, located about halfway between Wilcannia and Hay on the Cobb Hwy, which runs north-south through western NSW.

  • To 9 am Tuesday, Ivanhoe received 54.2 mm of rain, which made it the wettest June day in 28 years. It was also double the monthly average rainfall for June, and about a fifth of the annual average rainfall. The loop below shows rain crossing the region on Monday afternoon.

Over in Western Australia, another day of wild weather delivered gusts of 111 km/h at Perth's Garden Island weather station, the strongest reading in five years. There has also been plenty more rain, including:

  • 23.8 mm in the gauge at Perth, bringing the running monthly total to 81.4 mm at 9 am, with more rain already falling as we head towards lunchtime
  • Heavier falls were recorded in some outer suburbs and townships just east of the city, including 51 mm at Gidgegannup and 58 mm at Roleystone, while Pemberton in the South West forecast district – always a bit of a rain magnet – registered the highest national 24-hour reading of 64 mm.
  • There were also a couple of two-day accumulated totals of note, including Bunbury's wettest pair of days (any month) for 10 years with 96.4 mm in total, and Perth Airport's wettest pair of June days for 76 years, with 94.8mm total

As we told you yesterday, the wet weather in the country's southwest corner will start to ease from heavy rain to showers throughout the week, while rain will intensify in the east as the WA cold front and associated troughs track eastwards.

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