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Beach walk with snow views in Hobart

Ben Domensino profile image
Ben Domensino

Tasmania is shivering today as a blast of polar air drops snow to low levels across the state.

The satellite image below shows a large area of speckled clouds to the south of southeastern Australia on Monday morning.

Image: Visible satellite image captured by the Himawari-8 satellite at 10am AEST on Monday.

These clouds formed in a broad pool of very cold air, which reached Tasmania on Sunday and is today spreading across the Tasman Sea towards New Zealand.

Temperatures across Tasmania today have been feeling particularly icy thanks to the combination of cold air and blustery winds.

Image: Brave to be wearing shorts on this morning's beach walk. Source: @nathalia.secco / Instagram

In Hobart, the air temperature in the shade and out of the wind was hovering around 6C to 8ºC for most of Monday morning. However, anyone unfortunate enough to be exposed to the wind, which gusted close to 80km/h at one point, has been enduring apparent temperatures of around minus 1ºC to 1ºC throughout the morning.

At the top of kunanyi / Mount Wellington, which is inaccessible due to snow-covered roads, the apparent temperatures have been unimaginably cold, ranging from minus 14ºC to minus 20ºC on Monday morning.

As you can imagine, snow has been widespread in Tasmania over the last 12-24 hours amid this polar air mass.

Image: Snow on kunanyi / Mount Wellington, seen from Hobart, on Monday morning. Source: @troybarrett / Instagram

The images above show the snow level on Mount Wellington as seen from Hobart on Monday morning. There were also reports of snow at times in Lower Longley, which is a 20 minute drive outside Hobart and sits just below 400 meters elevation.

A number of weather alerts have been issued across Tasmania on Monday in response to the cold, wet and icy weather. These include a Road Weather Alert, Bush Walkers Weather Alert, Sheep Graziers Warning and minor flood warnings.

Warmer air and calmer weather will gradually return to Tasmania from Monday afternoon into Tuesday. By Wednesday, Hobart is forecast to see temperatures reaching around 14ºC.

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