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Another season high for Australian snow depth

Ben Domensino

The natural snow depth in NSW has increased slightly during the last week, reaching new high-point for the 2019 snow season.

Snowy Hydro measure a depth of 228.8cm in the snowpack at Spencers Creek in NSW on Thursday.

Image: Natural snow depth readings at Spencers Creek in 2018 and 2019. Source: Snowy Hydro

This was the best depth at the site so far this season, just beating last week's reading of 222.4cm. This also takes it above last year's peak depth of 224.6cm, although still below the 240.9cm from 2017.

Impressively, this is only the third time on record that three consecutive years have exceeded two metres at Spencers Creek. Data for the site goes back to 1954.

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