Wind, storms and rain to hit Perth
Rob Sharpe

A strong cold front will reach southwestern WA this morning, bringing a wet and windy start to the week.
Cloud, showers and wind will increase through the morning with the risk of severe weather during the afternoon and evening.
The front is expected to sweep across the southwest during the morning, reaching Perth just before peak hour. This front will bring heavy and squally rain, with the risk of thunderstorms and locally destructive gusts.
A severe weather warning has been issued for locally destructive gusts for areas southwest of a line Geraldton to Dalwallinu to Bremer Bay.
This front will bring some much needed rain to southwestern WA. The Lower West and Southwest can expect 15-60mm by Tuesday. Almost the entire Southwest Land Division will get more than 5mm in the next two days, with some locations in the parched Central Wheat Belt likely to get 10-15mm.
Perth residents can expect to wake up with more of the same weather. Showers and strong wind will continue for much of the day, with a continued risk of thunderstorm activity until lunch time.
During Tuesday evening wind and showers will ease, allowing for much calmer weather for the rest of the week. On Wednesday and Thursday there will be a few showers ahead of a dry weekend.
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