Tropical Cyclone Laurence kicks off Cyclone season
Alex Krisman

The tropical low that has been punishing the Top End recently with heavy rain and damaging wind gusts has today developed into tropical cyclone Laurence, the first tropical cyclone of the season.
With winds currently gusting up to 95 km/h, and intensifying, Laurence threatens all sea-craft and coastal communities in its path.
Currently situated about 150km southwest of Darwin, this category one system is expected to track westward over the next few days, escalating into a category two system late on Monday.
Currently predictions are for Laurence to skim past the Kimberley coastline of Western Australia, bringing potentially destructive winds and very heavy rainfall.
There remains large uncertainty as to if, when and where Laurence will make landfall. If Laurence takes a sudden southward turn, the sparsely populated northern Kimberley will bare the brunt of the force. However, if it takes a sweeping southwesterly path the larger population centres about Broome are potentially threatened.
For the latest forecasts, warnings and reports relating to TC-Laurence, visit
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