Melbourne swelters through record April warmth
Ben McBurney

Melburnians have sweated through record April warmth as the mercury hovered in the mid 20s for much of last night.
The official 24 hour minimum of 23.0 degrees was achieved close to 9am on Tuesday, equalling the record set a decade ago and more than 12 degrees above average. In Australia, the minimum temperature is recorded as the lowest temperature during the 24 hours from 9am each day.
However, in reality it was warmer for much of the night. At midnight it was still close to 27 degrees, which would have made for tough sleeping conditions for many residents. It only managed to dip to 23.6 degrees just after 8am, by which stage many people would have been up for work.
These types of temperatures are extremely unusual for April, with the warmth more typical of summer. A warming air mass throughout the night combined with freshening northerly winds and increasing cloud covered ahead of a cold front, trapping the heat in and leading to the oppressive night.
The good news is this front will lead to much cooler conditions for the next few days. The remainder of the day will become progressively cooler as southerly winds become established, and is likely to be cooler than it was last night.
For the remainder of the working week and into the weekend, it is not expected to be warmer than 20 degrees with the risk of showers each day.
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