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Home>Weather News>Melbourne on target for coldest July in 17 years

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Melbourne on target for coldest July in 17 years

Rob Sharpe
Melbourne is struggling through a July more typical of the mid 1900's. Weather has been the talk of the town in Melbourne for the last few weeks. For many of our youth it has been the coldest July they have ever experienced. Meanwhile for our elders it has been weather more similar to when they were young. By the 31st of July, the month's average minimum temperature will be approximately 6.7 degrees, with an average top of 13.3 degrees (combined average of 10.0 degrees). This will bring the month in as the coldest July since 1998. However, this is still slightly warmer than the 160 year averages of 6.0 and 13.5 degrees. This month has been quite extraordinary by recent standards. Last July had a combined average temperature of 11.5 degrees and the year before set a new record warm July of 12.3 degrees (with min of 8.8 and max of 15.8). Many people will have found this July to be much colder than any other they can remember. It is therefore quite hard to imagine what July would have been like when the record was set in 1901. In that year the average minimum was 4.7 and the average maximum was 12.2. If there was a period in history when this year would have sat nicely in the record books, then it would probably be placed in the middle of the 20th century. For those who hate the cold, they probably hope it is at least 17 years until we see a July this cold again.
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