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Hobart is running hot

Kim Westcott
Hobart has been exceeded average monthly temperatures, so far with a fifteen month streak. The last time that Hobart recorded a below average temperature, was back in December 2011. In that month the temperature was only one tenth of a degree cooler than average. Fifteen months later, the monthly average daytime temperatures have all exceeded the long-term average. In March 2013, the average monthly temperature was 2.8 degrees warmer, making last month the largest anomaly in the past fifteen months. Warmer than average temperatures have not been limited to just Hobart, with other cities such as Launceston have also seen a similar trend. In Lauceston, the last below average monthly daytime maximum temperature was over a year ago. Warmer than average temperatures are expected to continue until at least the end of autumn. The departure from average conditions is mostly due to warmer than normal sea surface temperatures.
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