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Heavy rain heading to New Zealand's drought declared North Island

Kim Westcott
New Zealand's North Island will see some desperately needed rain as a low pressure system crosses the Tasman Sea. The low pressure system which originated off Queensland's coast has been steadily deepening in the Tasman Sea. As the low continues to move over the upper parts of New Zealand this evening, heavy rain and strong to gale force winds are expected in Northland. The Bay of Plenty will see over 100mm of rain over the next few days, with the heaviest falls expected on Tuesday. By Wednesday, the low is expected to cross the nation and a weak high pressure ridge will build over the following days, but people will have umbrellas in hand again for some more rain on the weekend. This summer and into autumn, prolonged large high pressure systems have blocked many troughs and fronts which would otherwise provide rainy relief. Despite the thorough drenching ahead, it is likely that the blocking pattern will return at least until the end of April.
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