Frosty Morning for Eastern Australia
Joel Pippard

Widespread frost and record breaking cold has impacted much of the east.
Griffith in New South Wales saw its coldest August morning on record (58 year history), with the mercury dropping to -4.5 degrees. Nearby Yanco also broke their August record (18 year history) with the temperature falling to 2.0 degrees this morning.
Mortlake in Victoria saw its coldest August morning in 20 years with -3.1 degrees while Parkes saw an 18 year August low of -5.6C.
Many areas of VIC, NSW and Queensland had their coldest morning of any month in 2 or 3 years, including the Gold Coast (6.3C), Oakey (-3.5C), Cabramurra (-5.7C), Mount Buller (-7.8C) and Mount Hotham (-9.1C).
Widespread areas of land also experienced frost this morning with reports from Stanthorpe and Roma in QLD to Ballarat and Mortlake in VIC.
The chilly start is due to a high pressure system that moved in overnight with a cold airmass being left behind by the last cold front. With clear skies and light winds, the overnight temperature plummeted.
With an approaching low pressure system this evening, cloud will increase and trap some of the heat of the day. Inland places across the east should see a night up to six degrees warmer tonight.
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